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Adding Course Sections on Corvallis Campus

(Departmental Use Only)

To create a new section, please provide the following information:
Orange asterisks (*) indicate required information.

Submitted by:

First Name: *

Banner term:*

Subject/course number: *

Title:* (Max of 30 characters & spaces)

Section number: *
*Is this section taught at the same time with another one?*
If Yes, what is the course subject, number, and section?*
Provide the CRN(s) or "To be created" if it will be a new section:*
What should the internal max be?

Campus: or


Schedule type (select only one) *


Grading mode:
[For thesis courses 503 and 603, select A/F above; Banner converts this to R.]

Departmental approval (DP):


Give dates if different than standard part-of-term dates:

Start:     End:

(Max) Number of students:*

Wait list maximum, if any:

Course credits:*

Link ID:* or Check if not applicable*

  • If CRN is a lecture with labs, enter 3A & 9A.
  • If CRN is a lecture with recitations, enter 2A & 8A.
  • If CRN is a lecture with labs & recitations, enter 4A, 9A & 8A

You need to send separate requests for each CRN desired: lec, lab, rec, etc.

Days of the week (M, T, W, R, F, S, U):*
or Check if not applicable*

Start time - Length each day

*For an accompanying lab or recitation CRN, you must submit a second section form.

Room attributes needed (if GP room is required) - Mulitple selections allowed:

If using a departmental room, specify building & room and from whom permission was obtained.

Instructor and OSU IDs:(No dashes in ID. Only needed for thesis 503 or 603 sections)

Fee code(s):


List restrictions, if any: (Must be numerical)

College Restriction :   None   /   Limit to College   /   Don't Allow College

College Number(s)

Fields of Study Restriction :   None   /   Limit to Field   /   Don't Allow Field

None / All Types / Majors Only / Minors Only / Concentrations Only

Class Restriction :   None   /   Limit to Class   /   Don't Allow Class

Class Number(s)

Level Restriction :   None   /   Limit to Level   /   Don't Allow Level

Level Number(s)

(This restriction must be alpha. HBA, HBS, HBFA is for Honors College Use Only) :

Degree Restriction :   None   /   Limit to Degree   /   Don't Allow Degree

Degree Code(s)

Comments and other information?